Resep Beef Steak with mac and cheese oleh Darius Fajar
Berikut ini cara membuat Beef Steak with mac and cheese. Resep Beef Steak with mac and cheese yang dishare oleh Darius Fajar bisa menjadi .

Resep Beef Steak with mac and cheese
- Sirloin / tenderloin
- Elbow pasta / curly
- Carrot
- Rosemary
- Garlic
- Olive oil
- Cheese powder
- Fresh cream / fresh milk
- Corn scratch
- Salt and pepper
- Butter
- Parsely
Cook the pasta until half cook then move to the pan continue cooking with cream and butter put a bit salt and pepper and put cheese powder cook until done put corn scratch with a bit hot water and mix it with tartare parsely
Heat the pan with olive oil cook the rosemary and garlic to create awesome aroma
Marinate the meat with salt and black pepper the cook it with high fire flip it every 30 sec
Until cooked (depend by your flava) i like med well so i cook the meat a bit fast around 5-6min when u feel its done turn of the fire and the the steak sit for a minute so your steak not to wet cause the juice
Steam the carrot then blend it mix with thyme herbs salt and pepper put a bit lemon thats our puree
Serve it :))
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